about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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argh!!!!!!! mi feet soooooo tired!!!!!! >.< pe first thing in the morning first 2 periods then teacher wan mi to run 10 rounds the tracks lor!!! all together 4km lor!!! then after sch still went to some special school for 3 hrs cip... >.< now soooo shagged!! haiz....
hmmmm..... juz got back from HF aka Habour Front... went there wif nat, harith, praga, sunny, mel, ping, v, jing n arvin to buy the food stuffs for the home visit tomolo lor.... heard tt we might not interact wif them... not good!! >.< then when we juz finished.. we came out of cold storage then passed by this cafe n they sell WAFFLE ne~~~ mi n arvin like ehh~~ together~~ hahahaha.... then later walid they all oso follow us.... lame la...
~Praise the Lord~ at 7:31 PM | 0 comments we took a few more steps then got stopped by someone.. the manager of tt shop lor... he wans like some of our opinions lor... like how we think of the shop?? can go there to study?? blah blah blah... then after alot of toking.. oh yah still got another gal wif her.. joy then the guy's mark.. okie.. after toking he sae treat us to the drinks in his shop.. but mi frenz they all like so ham.... dun dare or dun wanna... in the end oni mi went to get a peach drink... hahahaha... free wat~~ mi of cuz wan~~ hahahaha... ^__^ then while chatting ar.. got to the topic os mi worked at mac as STAR aka store activities representative cuz i noe wat they doing then they thought mi take econs.. lol... XD XD then hor he gave mi his namecard wif his signature sae if i bring this to any of his stores i get a 10% discount.. hahaha... then oso he said ar... sway sway oni ar... if i dun wanna study in uni can go find him he will give mi a job.... hahaha... then tt joy sae "wah... so good ar.. so fast got job offer le...." lolz... XD XD aniwae in the end we juz parted ways la.. he tell mi to email him too... think i go mail him later... ^_^ then got pe tomolo man... *running... -_-||* haiz... then after sch got home visit... sia la.. got lots of things to bring to sch man!!! >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:20 PM | 0 comments back~~ sat went nat's hse for hse warming... then damn late then got home... took cab cuz all trains n buses i missed at jurong east lor... the cab fare was $12.45!!!! >_< so ex man!! then these few daes mi tummy weird weird one... haiz.. got dirrahoea (think spell like this?? heck la.. get meaning can le!!)... at last decided not to pis cip le.. cuz weekend i too tired then still got like 13 hrs left to the next point... hmmm... then hor mi fren got the tix for NDP~~ she giving mi one so i going wif her~~ jing, v, jing's cousin n mi going~~ yeah.. dunno jing's cousin but nvm la~~ i first time going so excited!!! hahaha.... then now buring marathon... mi comp the drives too clittered le.. burn out the anime then got space liao~~ ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:14 PM | 0 comments oh yah... zee back yesterdae ard 4pm then he got us all gifts~~ the gals all got some bangle thingy.. n the guys a egg-like keychain.. all same material some marble-like thingy.. then mine is PINK~!!!! hahahahaha... XD XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:52 AM | 0 comments was like super late for the paper 5.... kee hong called n woke mi up at 12:41 then i suppose to be in sch at 12:45... the cab driver so lame dunno where mi sch... like no hear b4... had to tell him wat road to take... was like 15 mins late... oni did the first qn... dun even noe if its correct... -__-|| ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:45 AM | 0 comments haiz.... so stress this week!!! got some much things to catch up.. n notes to copy!!!! argh!!! then wed juz took phy paper 1 & 2 then thurs mannan give us paper 2 again.. n i din finish it lor.. no time... mi think too long le... hahaha... XD XD then fri got phy paper 5 to take....... -__-||| lucky can bring the lect notes on paper 5 in... if not i confirm die... but then design experiments.... how to study lor.... tomolo is college dae so 12:45 then report sch.. think i go watch anime first... THEN copy notes.... did cip todae too... alone lor.. mi frenz all complete the 30 hrs le... >.< so tired~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:25 AM | 0 comments another one... lol... XD ![]() Which [Seven Dwarfs] are you? ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:24 PM | 0 comments
![]() Which [5 Elements] are you? ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:19 PM | 0 comments sia la!!! after soooo long then mi finally got online le!! >.< last week n the week before was BUSY wif micromouse lor.. in the end got to finals but lost... haiz.. 1st-3rd all ITEs won lor... >_< then supposedly last weekend can use one.. but fridae i back from sch bro tell mi he press sth on comp.... then the comp juz like tt died.... so had to format AGAIN........ -_-!! haiz.... aniwae.. nid go do hw... owe sooo mani!!!!!!!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:03 PM | 0 comments juz got back from sch then bathed finished.... so shagged.... mouse again.... but tomolo is THE dae.... haha..t eh comp at long last!!! >.< it'll be at great world city near the best denki there.... juz had mee rubus b4 coming home.. so a bit too full now.... hahaha.. XD XD then still got some of them staying in sch to finish or at least try to complete the tuning so the mouse can run tomolo.... ^__^ but i got confidence in son n daughter~~!!! in the end din do chem tut todae.. we have two prac in three periods... cfm not enuff one!! in the end din manage to finish the last part design exp! >_< forgot wat i wanted to sae le.... oh yah!! saw a suspicious guy outside sch at ard 10:30pm... he climbed down to the drain near the chapel tt is fenced up.. wif a touchlight in hand.. then retrieved sth, a white plastic bag, from there.. then he looked n acted veri the like 'urgent' like wanna be gone from there ASAP lor.... hmmm..... remembered wat i wanted to blog le!! hahaha... its abt this new game i played during the mouse tuning lor.. while waiting for the mouse to finish 'eating' we played this gaem.. sth like beat mania one.. forgot wats the title... then veri funnie lor... we alot of ppl play together... still like.... =P but was veri funnie!!! ^__^ got seven keys so can up to seven ppl play... each person one button lor~~~ lolz.... tt's wat we did... then saw ah lan walk by art room waving goodbye to us..... -_-" kkz... mi go Zzz soon le~~ nitez~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:02 AM | 0 comments aiyah got two daes no blog le... too bz le u see.... >.< been staying in sch for micromouse til sooooo late!!! then yesterdae suppose to ton n do one.. but mi cant stay overnight one... parents too stiff... =P so i went home late then todae ard 10 went there... went mac bought breakfast for them lor.. then todae the daughter still got major problem but we expertise not tt good so cant solve they asking our senior how to solve... so tomolo go sch then continue.. back home early to rest n do work for sch tomolo lor... i sld be doing chem tuts too.... but.... lolz.... ^^" ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:47 PM | 0 comments hahahahaha~~~~ i'm back~~~!!!! now got ard one hr to waste man~~ yeah!!! ^___^ then the comp here in the classroom like so old n dying lor.. even the keyborad is so..... -.- got nuttin to sae abt it lor... so 'er xin' the sound when mi type... like typewriter sound like tt so loud... =P but wateva la... hmmm.... i think todae micromouse gonna be til damn late.. later than yesterdae i think... then oso the show lei ting di yi guan hor todae late epi le leh.... then mi ini sch how to see... even though the sch outside there got a zhu cao wif a superbig tv screen but then hor... dunnoe it at 9pm will they change to channel u leh... skarli dun then i go there eat so ex.. then wasted oso... i this month not rich lor... got so mani ppl bdaes.... haiz.... =P but i thinkgonna call mi fren to help mi video tape it... but then like tt how mi get it from her.... hmmm.... wateva la.... the bell for taking body temp juz rung so i go take temp le~~ then oso go change mail n see if still got time i go mi forum n then some games too ba~~ mata ne~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:34 AM | 0 comments haiz.... yesterdae ar oso damn tired... micromouse really taking alot out of mi man!! >.< then now in sch blog lor... hehehe... teacher got outside appointment so mi now one period free.. then later go for maths tut then another two periods free~~~ wooohooo~~ *nuriko skipping ard whooping~~ hehehehe!! XD XD* oh yah abt yesterdae hor.... hmmm.... we did kinda lots of things... got go toilet waterfight too~~ lolz.... ^__^ so fun~~ those hu were playing got mi, cai ting, v, hui jing, jing yun n nat~~ it was quite late then le.. cuz the sky dark dark ma... then dx laming again... haiz... but still mi the ultimate laming queen!! hahaha.... these kinda "rank" mi oso veri happi~~ sianz now.. think i go check mail lor.. bbl~~ jaa ne~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:52 AM | 0 comments hmmm..... todae oso got lotsa things to sae.... lolz... XD XD XD especially if there's a micromouse meeting lor.. the things we do when we r sianz ar... hahahaha... u guys cant believe one!! >.< okok... back to in sch.. during maths tut hor.. sth damn 'interesting' happened lor.... ^___^ she (the mrs wong) asked the class if anione noe tt ans to tut 33 qn 2 lor.. then zee help to try ans cuz the class veri quiet... haha.. then he was abit like crapping la.. then she suddenly when F U! shocked everyone in class lor... we were like stunt tio for a few secs!!! then we all started luffing... then she she tt kinda 'innocent' face.. <--according to de xiang's description of tt expression... then keep asking wats so funnie n wat she said wrong.. then yf juz like say 'nuttin'.... hahahaha..... in the end she was juz saying F(u) as in function of U.... >_< then our micromouse competition is next tue lor... n we like staying til ard 9+ then go home.. juz to complete tuning the daughter aka nu er n son aka er zi.. cuz cut new base so had to tune all over again.. cannot use the values we got for singapore robotics games aka SRG.. wasted man... tt two mouse we oso tune like mad then done.. though i din contribute tt much... =P now juz eat finished lor.... rest awhile then go bathe... hehehe... oso todae for GP started watching minority report~~ ppl sae its nice la... hope so man!! ^__^ then regarding the wat games we played for the meeting.... tian ji bu ke xie lou~~ (himitsu~~/secret~~) but all dumb games la... n oso i like touching up on mi laming skills... hahahahahahahaha......................... oh yah.. the meeting n everything still at the same old place lor.... art room~!! then got scareded by mi frenz at nite lor.... all like wanna act ghost or wateva to juz give us fright... -__-!! ~bleah~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:21 PM | 0 comments since yesterdae wanted to blog one... but then the webbie cant load lor.. in the end din manage to get in.. then now too tired to wanna sae wat happened lor... hmm.. think tomolo if mi feel okie then i write abt the bball game lor~~ at teck whye.. not sure if i spell correct.. then after tt was go yf's hse n then to nat's hse for dinner~~ see see ba... now late le.. tomolo still got 2.4km run for mi.... -____-!! haiz... Zzz earlier better for mi... lol... XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:19 AM | 0 comments juz got back then bathed oni~~~ todae so shiok~~!!! hahahaha.... ^______^ cuz got like quite alot of ppl turn up lor... then the food was nice the ounch too... best of all was the hooch!!! lol... mine was apple... taste better than lemon... but i think among those alcoholic drinks we drink the BEST is the vodka vemon blueberry one~~ yummy~~ boon bought tt lor.. smart him!! >.< okie.. here's hu gave face n went~~ got mi, v, jing, liping, theresa, mel, nat, arvin for the gals... for the guys... got boon, yf, praga, zee, walid, harith, sunny... yeah.. i think tt's abt all.... got how mani ar... i count... 15 of us~~~ tt's veri good lor... our class got 10 gals n 13 guys... ^____^ so quite alot went la... the last part of bbq we were playing games la... first is mi, nat, v n jing play bridge.... then v damn toopid...... -__-"" haiz... then nvm~ next game was hahaha... its damn fun lor..... but i wun go into how its played.. damn long the explaination the mi wanna Zzz le... but if anione really interested can comment in mi chatterbox then mi post another time~~ liek this can spread this wonderful game~~ lol... XD XD XD okie... then last game we played was wif the whole class.. oh yah.. the asshole dai di got harith joined in... btw he is stead of nat.. okok... last game was from tt chi taiwan variety show lor~~ ^___^ the forfeit is first person to get ball rolling drinks 5 cups... then after is 1st person 1cup, 2nd 2cups...until 6cups then go back 1cup... but no time.. so at 6cups we ended... lucky mi no tio lor... but got almost almost those kinda situations... =P mi damn lucky todae~~ played black jack wif harith then out of 5 games i got exactly 21 lor!!!!!!!! hehehehehe..... LUCKY~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:37 AM | 0 comments yeah~~ mi juz bathed finished~~ waiting to go mel's hse for bbq~~ hehehehehe.. XD XD XD they oso got buy hooch n vodka... ^___^ v buying for mi one is hooch apple aka ringo flavour one~~ *veri happi* cuz mi always looking forward to mi 18th bdae but oso a bit dreading cuz its on 21st august so veri near mi 'A's lor.... haiz..... then oso actually now can noe mi phy results for BT 2 but is u hafta sms mannan first to ask.... then i dun dare lor... he oni sms the As so i din get sms so cfm not in the As.. aniwae... i din study how CAN be in As lor.. >.< yeah.. then v sae dun ask oso good, (she one of the As who received THE sms) then can enjoy mi long weekend better~~ *ps: mon is hol cuz its youth day~~~ hehehehe.. XD * like implying mi got BAD results so better dun noe now.. then can enjoy more of mi long weekend... >_< *mi veri excited* cuz long time no go le~~ ^__^ this time is going kbox.. mi neber go b4 oso.. then is the cck one.. wonder how's it like.. according to v she saes its a old ppl club... -_-;; then oni got mi, ching n chun lor... after singing maybe going v's hse... she got fishes tt mi wanna see~~ lol... XD wah todae like got veri good mood eh~~ write so long~~ muz be all the fun quizzes i've been taking~~ ^__^ oso bbq here i come!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:52 PM | 0 comments
yeah!! another one~~ XD XD XD
~Praise the Lord~ at 2:46 PM | 0 comments hahahaha.... think mi is hooked on to these kinda quizzes man!!! XD XD XD damn interesting..... if mi update all these kinda results dun pengz or sianz hor~~ yeah~~!!
~Praise the Lord~ at 2:17 PM | 0 comments
~~another one~~
~Praise the Lord~ at 1:42 AM | 0 comments
~~did sth fun~~
~Praise the Lord~ at 1:19 AM | 0 comments aiyah... juz now online in class channel..... haiz.... heck care la... nuttin to blog........ is got but dun wanna let u guys see... ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:09 AM | 0 comments FREE at last~~~ ^___^ yeah~~~!!! eventhough noe mi will fail almost all.. but still IS free wat~~ hahahhaha... then watche charlie's angels full throttle todae... its okie la... not as bad as some ppl sae it is... =P hmm... then got long weekend.. wonder how to waste it... hmm.... >.< sat got class bbq at frenz condo.. juz one bustop from mi hse.. quite fan bian ne~~ ^_^ then hope some guys will buy beer~~ lol..... XD XD XD some of us were toking abt it this afternoon... ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:47 AM | 0 comments aiyoh yesterdae forgot to blog... maths was so davestating tt mi so sad went online til 2am................. -_-" hahaha.... then this morning then start studying phy.. haiz... there goes mi C for phy le... din even get to finish it lor... >.< now shld be studying chem for tomolo... but.... haiz......... =P secret of mana so fun~~~ hahahahaha.... ^_____^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:15 PM | 0 comments | |
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